4 Great Ways To Become A More Intuitive Woman

By Sarah Thomsen

Being an intuitive woman can lead to amazing things. But how can you truly tune into your female instincts and follow your intuition?

I have always had a great spidey sense! I can see the flow of where I need to be and the direction my soul would love to go to get there. I can see the FULL STOP in energy  when something doesn’t feel right and I can feel when I have to pivot my focus, slow and return to center.  

I ask myself what would my bravery look like without my women’s intuition? Would I be flinging myself off ginormous bridges, investing my money in companies with blinders on, sleeping with people who weren't aligned with me? (This is literally me from the ages of 14 to 25, when I wasn’t such an intuitive woman!)  Finely tuned instincts are the part of ourselves that show us WHEN and WHICH brave action to step into.

But Listening to Your Female Intuition Isn’t Always Easy

Evidently enough, as women in particular, we need to re-learn our female instincts. There are many instances that we can all relate too that have damaged and mitigated our natural senses as a female species. How many of these sound familiar? 

  • Be Nice. 
  • Be likable. 
  • Don't rock the boat. 
  • Stop being so dramatic. 
  • I’m sure that's not really how you feel. 
  • You're overreacting. 
  • I think you need medication.
  • Quit being a pussy.

I have heard and felt all of these phrases more than I can count. So yeah, the constant depletion of our intuitive selves is fucking happening. It’s up to you and I to remember the intuitive part of ourselves and make sure that we are teaching our beautiful children (and each other) to be open to receiving the information available to us on an emotional level. 

Thanks to patriarchy, women have been historically labeled as an emotional species to our detriment. Instead of being insulted, I encourage you to take that intended weakness and use it as a deep and resonating gift! 

Our emotions are not irrelevant responses that need to be ignored and amended by more rational analytical thinking. In fact, choose to use your instincts and your analytical faculties as a team instead of favoring one over the other. This is what can help move towards making BRAVE choices that open and expand us as human beings. 

Since we are all slightly⁠—if not completely⁠—devoid of our female intuition, I wanted to write this blog to assist in remembering the feeling part of ourselves. 

Wondering how to listen to your intuition? Here are 4 ways you can acknowledge and sense when you are having an intuitive moment. After reading them you’ll be like: ”Holy shit!! Yes⁠—ow I remember what my intuition feels like. I can't believe that I forgot what it was like. YESSSSSssssss!!!”

Use that feeling to become more familiar with your intuition. Consistent use of your instincts will build a stronger, more intuitive human. Just like a muscle: Use it or lose it!

4 Simple Tricks to Become a More Intuitive Women

Listen to your gut feeling of excitement!

To be an intuitive woman you have to start with the feeling and emotion of genuine excitement. Think about the sensations you feel in your body when something amazing happens. Words like elevation, buzz, adventure, thrill and passion fill this space. These emotions are your soul body's way of saying “YES, this is what I am about!! Go this direction!”

For me it's like a smile that comes over my face when I am alone, my whole body vibrates and I feel like a grand adventure is beginning. If an idea or opportunity comes up for you and this type of emotion occurs, then you are in your knowing instinctual body. 

Encourage yourself to go that direction. You'll find that it will be the path of least resistance and that energetic flow will take you in a direction with ease. Pursue it! Keep going! Use this elevated energy to carry you further to the next step and springboard yourself onward. Don’t allow your rational mind to talk you out of an opportunity that enlivens you. This is a woman’s intuition telling her she’s on the right path.

Intuitive woman has a keen eye for feeling of danger.

intuitive woman

Feeling danger is like feeling really, really nervous. You can recognize it with a quick heartbeat, sweating and an urgent need to avoid a situation or someone. Feeling and recognizing danger is your greatest ally in keeping your body and others safe. Being able to understand when this emotion shows its face is an important part of being an intuitive woman.

These days, our sense of fear is so stunted by the way the world operates around us. With incredible amounts of digital distraction and constant overload it's easy to miss the intuitive fear response. “Stop being so sensitive”, “You’re overreacting”, “C'mon it’s just for fun”,  are some of the responses you might hear in your head or from other people when you are having a fear response. This is also often referred to as gaslighting, which is a form of manipulation that undermines your perception of reality, often by trying to make you feel like you’re making a big deal out of nothing. If you’re experiencing this often in your life, it might be time to set some healthy boundaries.

The brain is constantly observing and tallying up what is happening in our environments and when there are tiny, slight deviations from “normal”, it flags these and starts sending signals, and we need to be able to listen and feel for these signals. For example, a car driving a little weird, strangers walking straight toward you, the tone in someone's voice, a weather shift. The brain will flag this and send signals throughout the body. Sweating, a quick heart beat, a feeling in your stomach. 

When you have these sensations, open your eyes a little wider. Listen and look around you. Determine what is making you feel nervous and start evaluating the situation quickly. Learn to use your voice! Speak up and be insistent that you need to remove yourself from a situation immediately and if someone complains and tries to shame you, fuck em’ and keep walking! you're on your way to become a strong intuitive woman!

The sense that you are unwell is also an intuitive woman's instinct kicking in.

Personally, I find this one the most difficult instinct in intuitive woman. Only because when I do feel sick, or just not right, I end up at the doctors and so then it's like I need to PROVE that I don’t feel good.

I could easily give you 20 solid examples in my life over the past 10 years of being brushed off by medical professionals, friends and family as hysterical, overreacting, stupid, silly, unsubstantiated, neurotic, overbearing, ridiculous, too much, annoying, I could go on and on. (I’m a white middle class woman who benefits from a public healthcare system; I can’t even imagine what it must be like if you are non-white and in an area with private healthcare…for fuck sakes!)

Step one here is to learn to advocate for yourself and learn about the system you're in. Understand how to find the help you need and speak up for your needs. Don't stop until you find someone who is listening.

Starting from childhood, we learn that vocalizing our body’s needs with our voice is a way to find help. If your needs were ignored as a kid you may feel like no one is hearing you. Again, you need to learn to speak up for your body. Keep searching until you feel like someone is listening. 

Your body's intuition is so incredible! It's giving you clues and information on how to navigate its processes every millisecond!  Make the most of that gorgeous sack of flesh you have and listen to its cues. Campaign for it! VOTE EMBODY your body!

The gut feeling you’re meant to be with someone.

The final instinct is the feeling being drawn to someone. I love this one, (mostly because it reminds me of my lover 😉). 

Do you know the feeling of instantly liking someone? “I NEED TO BE FRIENDS WITH HER!”, or “I love being around this person, they make me happy! Being magnetically drawn to someone is the best FLOW. Easy, warm, expansive, funny, inspiring, open, forgiving, creative, special, unique and formative are words that would describe these people to you. 

This is the instinctual flow of being drawn to someone. There is something here that your soul needs to learn with this person and you NEED to go towards it. So go for it and have fun! These divine encounters do not need to be long, they can last minutes or even lifetimes but each of them is equally important. Allow yourself the gift of falling in love with as many people as possible so you can experience all there is to experience as an intuitive woman. 

An Intuitive Woman Makes All The Difference

Have you ever walked into a room and stood in the entrance and felt what hangs in space between the bodies, the walls, the forms? Without engaging with your environment for a couple seconds, pause and feel the SPACE deeply. SENSE it with your skin, the hairs on your skin, your guts, your hips…. even your toes? It’s pretty cool to allow yourself to feel all that space, cause you know what? All that space speaks. That’s where your instinct comes from! Birth more of it now!

Take the world by storm through your intuitive woman instincts that you are blessed with.  What is your experience with building your intuition? What does being an intuitive woman mean to you? Are there any ways that you practice using your instincts so you can too be an intuitive woman? Anything in particular you would like to share?

We would love to hear about it!  

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