How to build confidence as a woman

Sarah Thomsen

Have you ever wondered why some women are just so darn confident? Are they born with it, or is it because they have some magical elixir of confidence? The answer is, of course, no, although we do wish there was a magical potion on confidence. ! Being confident is a choice that each and every one of us can make.

What does it mean to be a confident woman? It means different things to different people, but at its core, being a confident woman is about having faith in yourself and your abilities. It's about knowing that you are worthy of love and respect and possessing the strength to go after what you want in life. Cultivating self-esteem, compassion and love for you is at the core of being a strong, confident woman.

In This age of social media, everyone has put themselves and their lives on display for the world to see. Research carried out by Dove shows that almost 78-80% of girls, when they reach the age of 17, already have a negative viewpoint of their bodies!.

It can be easy to get caught up in comparing yourself to others and feeling like you're not good enough. But it's important to remember that everyone has their own unique journey to confidence. Just because someone else may seem like they have it all together doesn't mean that they don't have their own struggles and insecurities.

So, how do you become a more confident woman?

Well, it starts with making a few simple choices in your everyday life. Time to fasten your ponytail or (not) and get ready to take some notes because we will be letting you in on our secret to being unshakable confidence.

Don't stop believing!

First things first, in order to be confident, you have to start by believing in yourself. This may sound like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised how many women go through life doubting their own abilities. Almost every woman you come across is critical of her own self, especially her looks.

If you want to be confident, you have to start by accepting yourself for who you are, flaws and all. In her book called self-love workbook for women, author Megan Logan writes, "You have taken the first and most important step, which is acknowledging the importance of self-love in your life."

This is true as confident women are usually comfortable in their own skin, and they don't strive to be anyone other than themselves. I mean, who does not love a woman who is comfortable with whom she is?

Over 11,000 women under the age of 45 from 12 regions in Europe and Asia were questioned about what they find attractive in the latest survey conducted by Watsons. When asked to describe "beautiful," maintaining good health from within came out on top, followed by "gaining confidence" and "feeling good."

These results found that maintaining internal well-being is critical to boosting confidence, which is crucial for both physical and emotional well-being.

And while we're on this topic, I do have a beef to pick up with some self-help mantras. Some people will tell you to fake it until you make it. No sir! This is misleading when it comes to confidence. Instead of faking it, try building it. Building your confidence is a process that takes time, so don't expect to become a supermodel overnight. Becoming confident is something that you have to work on every day, and it will slowly but surely become second nature.

Set SMALL Goals!

One way that you can start building your confidence is by setting small goals for yourself and then crushing them! A little victory always goes a long way when trying to build your confidence. For example, if one of your goals was to go out and meet new people, then make sure to do just that!

Go out to a bar or a club with your girlfriends and put yourself out there. By the end of the night, you will not only have had a great time, but you will have also taken one step closer to becoming a more confident version of yourself.

Author and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar once said, "You were born to win, but to be a winner; you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win". This is one of my favorite quotes because it is so true! In order for anything in life to become a reality, you have to put your mind to it and believe that you can achieve it.

So if becoming confident is something that you want for yourself, then start by setting your mind to it and making the decision that you will no longer live in doubt or insecurity.

You come First

You may have heard that self-care is a form of self-love, and there is nothing truer than that. When you take care of yourself, it shows that you love and respect yourself. When you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, your confidence soars through the roof! So make sure to take the time out to pamper yourself every once in a while.

Get your nails done, go for a massage or just do something that makes you feel good. Get regular exercise. This not only keeps your body healthy but also helps to release endorphins which have mood-boosting properties. In addition to exercising, eating healthy and getting enough sleep are also important factors when it comes to taking care of yourself. When you look good and feel good, it shows in your confidence levels.

According to a Dove survey, 7 out of 10 women feel more confident when they are taking care of their appearance. So go ahead and treat yo' self! The old adage goes, "fake it till you make it", but as we said before, this does not apply to confidence. However, there is one thing that you can fake until you make it, and that is your body language.

According to Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist and author of the book Presence, "our body language shapes who we are". This means that the way we carry ourselves can actually affect our confidence levels. So if you want to be confident, start by faking good body language. Stand up straight, make eye contact and smile. All of these things will make you appear more confident even if you don't feel it on the inside…yet.

Another great way to become a more confident woman is by surrounding yourself with other confident women. When you are around people who radiate confidence, it rubs off on you. So make sure to surround yourself with strong, independent and confident women. These are the types of women who will empower you and build you up instead of putting you down. Spend less time with the negative Nancys in your life and more time with the women who make you feel good about yourself.

Related: 6 empowering brands that aim to make you feel confident.

Dove's study reveals an interesting sentiment widely shared by 83% of women and 77% of girls who claim they prefer to pursue their own concept of beauty rather than that of others. In their study,  80-85% of all women think that every woman has a lovely quality.

However, building confidence is not just about setting goals and practicing self-love. The study carried out by the A.S Watson group in Asia has found that in order to boost confidence in women, especially when it comes to workplaces, we urgently require workplaces that promote equity, are motivating, and welcoming to families and individuals.

The results show that more than half of women do not feel satisfied with the trajectory of their jobs, with Hong Kong having the lowest rates of success contentment of any region.

In other workplaces around the globe, the same depressing trend continues and is quite frankly why experience women employees don't reach a higher positions. 27% of women are confident that they'll reach a higher position in their company, but this number drops to 13% as these women spend time in a company!


There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, nor there is any magic potion that can make you confident overnight. It is a struggle. You have to work on yourself, but here are a few things you can do to build confidence as a woman. First, surround yourself with positive people who will support and encourage you. Second, take care of yourself physically and emotionally by eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep. And finally, don't be afraid to take risks and put yourself out there. Remember, confidence is something you build over time, so keep at it and don't give up!

Related: Looking for brands that are body positive, well, here you go!

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